Originally from Los Angeles, I worked for over twenty years as a graphic designer in the D.C. area before deciding to switch careers on my 45th birthday to make studio furniture fulltime. My style is a cross between Mid Century Modern and Arts and Crafts because I love the natural simplicity of and clean lines these styles bring to my pieces. I am largely self-taught, though I have taken classes at the Corcoran and the North Bennet Street School. In designing these pieces, I start with pencil sketches of what I am hoping to achieve and then turn to 3D modeling programs to refine the joinery and scale. Of course, no plan survives first contact with the enemy and in woodworking, sometimes the enemy is the wood itself, which does not always behave in predictable ways. Most people do not realize that wood furniture is still a living breathing thing even once the tree is cut down, the wood kiln dried, and the boards milled to thickness, reshaped, glued and varnished into a chair. The furniture will expand and contract with the seasonal movement and solid joinery design is a must for the piece to survive.
Galleries and Exhibitions
Haley Fine Art (haleyfineart.com)
American Craft Made - Baltimore (CraftCouncil.org)
Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival (Tephra.org)
Fuller Craft Museum (fullercraft.org)
Great Falls Studios (greatfallsstudios.com)
KunstHouse Gallery (KunstHausGallery)
Center for Furniture Craftmanship (woodschool.org)
Corcoran School of the Arts and Design (corcoran.gwu.edu)
Memberships and Associations
Northern Virginia Handcrafters Guild (nvhg.org)
The Furniture Society (furnsoc.org)
The Washington Woodworkers Guild (washingtonwoodworkersguild.org)